Gandalf Magic Book extracts.

There are two types of spells - basic spells and counteract spells. As it comes from the name, counteract spells cannot do anything unless a certain basic spell has been cast.

There are two types of counteract spells - neutralize counteracts and chain counteracts. The first simply dissolve basic spells, while second create spell chains.

If a counteract spell not only neutralizes the basic effect but creates an additional spell, basic in nature, it is called a spell chain. A good example of a spell chain is the Freeze Spell which is counteracted by reflecting magic back at Harry Potter and freezing him, which in turn can be counteracted.

Usually counteract spells have no names, but if the effect is special it can be given one.


Freeze spell
-To freeze forums use Harry Potter and say 'Freeze!' while taking out the wand.
-To unfreeze forums use Carrot to say 'Hot dog' cheerfully. It will in turn freeze Harry Potter.
-To unfreeze Harry Potter let Naked Girl say 'love' while taking out a gun.

Erase spell
-To delete a conversation use Death Knight to say 'Erase!' while waving the sword.
-To stop the Death Knight from deleting the conversation when the Erase spell is already in action use Math professor to utter 'x=2'.

Vegetable spells
-To cast the Carrot Spell let the Carrot say 'Carrot milk!' while scratching.
-To cast the Tomato Spell let the Carrot say 'Tomato power!' while looking into the telescope.
-To counteract vegetable spells use Mary Poppins to angrily say 'Behave yourselves!'

Silence spell
-To cast the Silence Spell use Skeleton to say 'Silence!' in a boring voice.
-To dissolve the spell jump with the Monkey and say 'Ooo!'
-To counteract the spell use Assassin to say 'Bang' gently. This will reflect magic back at Skeleton and turn him into a heap of bones.
-To cure the Skeleton use the Football player to say 'Sneeze!' when laughing.

Kidnap spell
-To cast the Kidnap Spell use Evil Sorcerer to say 'Kidnap!' while chuckling to himself.
-To rescue the Naked girl use Indiana Jones to utter 'That belongs in the museum!' when climbing a mountain. Additionally, the magic will reflect back at Evil Sorcerer and turn him into an Elephant (Elephant Spell)
-The Elephant Spell will wear off with time - sometimes really fast, sometimes it'll take a while.

Unworking spell
-To unsuccessfully cast a spell use Harry Potter to say 'Expelliarmus!'

Universal Binary Translator
-To activate the Universal Binary Translator use Arctic explorer to say 'Binary!' while taking out a present.
-The UBT will go offline by itself, but the time it's operational is usually pretty long for a decent conversation.

Mirror spell
-To cast a Mirror spell use Vampire to say 'Mirrors!' quietly. The spell affects Mary Poppins, Carrot, Football player, Math professor and Indiana Jones.
-To dissolve the spell use Drummer to say 'Boom-tsa-tsa!' joyfully.
-To counteract the spell use Carrot to say 'This is absolutely out of the question' while turning away. This will make the Vampire allergic.
-Vampire will heal with time.

Mishmash spell
-Use Web designer to say 'Shuffle!' shyly. The spell affects Carrot.
-To dissolve the spell use Peter Pan to say 'Order!' joyfully.

Ancient spell
-Use Detective to say 'Very old!' archly. The spell makes both turtles speak in ancient riddles.
-To dissolve the spell use George Stobbart to say 'Youth!' while pretending to be stupid.
-To counteract the spell use Bertie Wooster to say 'Behold!' which will squeeze Detective into the Box.
-To rescue Detective use Pet Shop Boys to say 'Out!'

Math spell
-Use Math professor to say 'Math!' seriously. The spell makes George Stobbart, Peter Pan, Bertie Wooster, Arctic explorer, Indiana Jones, Ghoul, Naked girl and Captain Picard speak in equations.
-To break the spell use Slow Turtle to say 'Jeeves!' while agitated. This will turn Math Professor into a dumb blonde.
-To return Math professor into his original form use Santa to exclaim 'Nevertheless!'. This will have a side effect and turn everybody into computers.
-To save everybody the Android has to speak and it doesn't matter what he says.