====== People ====== [{{ :wiki:people.jpg?nolink&300|Random pic showing people}}] >"It should all be about people," the writer said. >"But why?", asked the Detonator. "Isn't everything about explosions?" >"What kind of a silly statement is th.." >BOOM! A list of people the world knows nothing about. * [[Detective Bolmes]], a fictional character * [[Trotto Frekkensnork]], a celebrated inventor * [[Bart Hufnagel]], owner and CEO of Timewatch * [[Linda Burns]], former CEO of Timewatch * [[Frank Dupeaux]], controversial writer, con artist and adventurer * [[Ken Stewart]], a biographer killed by a spoon * [[J. N. Spoilsport]], founder of Slow Club * [[Dan Dindridge]], philosopher * [[Mr. Porridge]], philosopher * [[Naomi Naomi]], writer of unwritten books * [[Olven]], owner of the bag-packing school “Pugs” * [[Sabin Stockpiler]] * [[Chen Chris Choi]], an unknown hip hop artist * [[Prince Ruifa]] * [[Shaobee]], a superhero warrior and despot