====== Service as a Service ====== Service as a Service (abbreviated as SaaS) is a digital infrastructure product that provides buzzword assets for enterprise clients. It is a way to expose mid and high level management for their lack of understanding of technology by adding SaaS products to actual company expenses along with real services. SaaS businesses provide fake products, similar in nomenclature and sounding to what providers like Amazon Web Services would have. Examples include: * **Nile Omega**, serverless, API-less and completely pointless * **Nile RotorDB**, a scalable distributed database which takes security to a new level by providing no ability to connect to it * **Nile Old Skool Storage Service**, unlimited storage on floppy discs. The motto of the service is "You can store any data, as long as it is in 1.44 MB chunks!" * **Nile SkyWatch**, a service that provides graphs of important sounding metrics which have zero connection to reality