Mandae numeral system

Mandae numeral system is a dozenal numeral system used on the Continent. It was developed some time during the first revolution and has gradually replaced base 6 and decimal numeral systems used throughout Ahldoraean history.

Just like the Mandae language, during the second revolution the Mandae numeral system became an elitarian numeral system, existing along side the Dantrian one. The latter wasn't even positional and was used by the common people for basic calculations. A specialized positional decimal system was used by architects and other professionals in Central and Western Dantria.

Mandae numeral system quickly found its way to the east through diplomatic channels. It took hold in Yammoe, which at that time already had a system of public education, and recognized a base 12 numeral system as a better tool to teach arithmetic. By the end of SR, its use spread to Gantolia and was later adopted by the Loodon Empire.

Land and Zamborana Zambonia (later Zambon) continued to use a positional decimal system of the sort used by experts in Western and Central Dantria up until the 3rd CTR.

The Dantrian calendar uses a decimal system, as the adoption of the Mandae system for calculation came much later. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Continent treat years as obeying a very special, somewhat alien numeric system, different from the usual arithmetic they use in everyday life. At the same time, the name of the ordinals, as well as the symbols, are in Mandae even for the decimal system of the Dantrian calendar.

Mathematical research is done in the Mandae system.