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a_counsel_of_living_peacefully [2017/12/05 10:55]
lverona created
a_counsel_of_living_peacefully [2024/05/15 08:52] (current)
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 ====== A Counsel of Living Peacefully ====== ====== A Counsel of Living Peacefully ======
-**A Counsel of Living Peacefully** is an [[unwritten novels|unwritten book]] by the [[Words Preservation Foundation]]. It discusses the philosophy of WPF, the core of which revolves around economizing on the written word and making sure that most of writings produced by humanity is of [[high quality]].+[{{ :​wiki:​counsil_of_living_peacefully.png?​nolink&​200|The book cover uses 8 words}}] 
 +**A Counsel of Living Peacefully** is an [[unwritten novels|unwritten book]] by the [[Words Preservation Foundation]]. It discusses the philosophy of WPF, the core of which revolves around economizing on the written word and making sure that most of writings produced by humanity is of [[better_writing|high quality]]
 +Unlike many other books, **A Counsel of Living Peacefully** will most probably never be written, as WPF specifically does not write it in order to economize on the written word. They did design the cover, using up 8 words. 
 +The book discusses the **M number**, which is a necessarily fixed amount of words that humanity will produce during the course of its existence. WPF then argues that not everyone should be allowed to contribute to that number and that society must put measures in place to exclude bad writing from humanity'​s upcoming cultural heritage. 
 +WPF are very clear that they are against revisionism,​ and that bad writing that did seep into books cannot be undone, as it had already contributed to **M**. Therefore, WPF's concern is only the future. 
 +WPF argue that less bad writing will mean a better life for everyone, since most of the terrible political and religious initiatives that have shaped the world are usually based on some influential badly written book. 
 +The number **M**'​s name is a flipped abbreviation:​ it is the letter W turned upside down. W stands for "​words"​.
a_counsel_of_living_peacefully.1512489331.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/05 10:55 by lverona