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Artist's representation of Narimba
Narimba in real life

Narimba is a planet invented by Bob. It is very small, although Bob failed to specify the radius. It is a gas planet and it's dominant color is dark green.

According to Bob, nobody lives on this planet. According to philosopher Dan Dindringe, nobody even wants to.

Bob's friend Tom disagrees. He claims that there is a special institution called The Narimba Foreigners Office, which processes people's requests to immigrate to Narimba, as well as buy land and containers of Narimbian gas. The composition of the latter is disputed, and the debate had resulted in a number of slightly drunken brawls between Bob and Tom. So far, the score is 2:1 in Bob's favor.

Their common friend, Naomi, has produced a lengthy white paper on the subject of a more scientific approach to defining gas composition of fabricated planets.

narimba.1512137927.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/01 09:18 by lverona