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working_perpetual_motion_machine [2017/12/19 12:21]
working_perpetual_motion_machine [2024/05/15 08:52] (current)
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 A **Working Perpetual Motion Machine** (abbreviated as WPMM, obviously) is a concept invented by [[Trotto Frekkensnork]]. It describes a perpetual motion machine that does not violate the laws of physics. A **Working Perpetual Motion Machine** (abbreviated as WPMM, obviously) is a concept invented by [[Trotto Frekkensnork]]. It describes a perpetual motion machine that does not violate the laws of physics.
-Frekkensnork achieves this by saying that a perpetual motion machine ​that will not function in our Universe might work in another Universe, ​a Universe that has different laws of physics.+Frekkensnork achieves this by saying that a perpetual motion machine will not function in our Universe, but might work in a Universe that has different laws of physics.
 Therefore, a working perpetual motion machine is a machine that, apart from itself, should also have a Universe with suitable laws of physics. Therefore, a working perpetual motion machine is a machine that, apart from itself, should also have a Universe with suitable laws of physics.
 [{{ :​wiki:​wpmm.png?​nolink&​400 |WPMM is a non-working perpetual motion machine combined with a Universe with suitable laws of physics}}] [{{ :​wiki:​wpmm.png?​nolink&​400 |WPMM is a non-working perpetual motion machine combined with a Universe with suitable laws of physics}}]
working_perpetual_motion_machine.1513704063.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/12/19 12:21 by lverona