"Every small bow in the hair should do things at least once." - Kamasuki Pinacci
We promote IWGH in the World Wide Web. We all want to go home and it is our belief that every person should have the right to Wanna Go Home. The goal of our group is to make IWGH a new web standard, an acronym that can serve every bored employee with internet access.

Mission of the IWGH Promotion Group

IWGH stands for I Wanna Go Home. Since we mostly cannot Go Home at the moment, we have to find an alternative. He have discovered that the best alternative is to get oneself occupied. But what if there is nothing intereting to do at a given moment?

You can find occupation of your own, like doing a silly project (like this website), or you can simply talk about how you Wanna Go Home to your friends over the internet! That's where the acronym IWGH comes in handy. We provide it to you without any charge, without any license agreements necessary. We give it to the world for absolutely nothing in return.

Our main goal is to promote IWGH over the internet, so that it reaches every single bored employee on Earth. Anyone who Wants to Go Home should be able to express it well!

Why do we do this?

We have nothing better to do, and even if we have, we feel too apathetic because we are all like IWGH you know. So don't think about it too much, just WGH with us! If you have more questions and wanderings, please check the FAQ.