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Fabricated Planets

Fabricated Planets is a potentially infinite set of planets that do not exist in space, but are instead conjured by someone's imagination.

Fabricated Planets have several properties:

  • they do not need to obey the laws of physics
  • they can be named without consulting official astronomical institutions
  • they can be gifted to friends and spouses at will
  • once a fabricated planet is created, it cannot be un-created

The latter point was of some interest to the Slow Club, who have deliberated on the matter till late at night.

Consider Bob inventing a planet, calling it Narimba and depicting it as a small greenish sphere, made up of thick gases. Can that planet now be destroyed? Since it did not exist to begin with, the question becomes, to quote philosopher Dan Dindridge, “confusing as fuck very quickly”.

Some philosophers argue that within the framework of the author's imagination, the destruction of Narimba should be possible. However, since a spin-off of the made-up story is always possible, even if Bob says that in his imagined universe Narimba is no more, what if his friend Tom creates a spin-off universe, in which Narimba is revived? Dan Dindringe believes that no one should care.

fabricated_planets.1512137953.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/01 09:19 by lverona