Obscurity Portal

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Obscurity Level

Obscurity Level is a metric, assigned for the demonstration of knowledge of things obscure. The minimum level is 0, assigned to anyone who knows nothing about Obscurity Portal.

Obscurity Levels are usually designated as OLx, where x is the level number. If you are new to the Obscurity Portal, you are OL0.

Higher levels are incremented, meaning there is no fixed set of facts you need to know in order to attain OL1. Instead, you have to contact the Title Granting Committee with an answer to a puzzle if the puzzle mentions that solving it will increment your level.

Getting OL1

OL1 can be received for simply contacting Louigi Verona and asking for a level.


Obscurity Rank is an honorary title, usually awarded for achievements. Achievements are differentiated from knowledge in that you have to do something additional to just reading the Obscurity Portal, like playing a game, watching a video or contributing to the Obscurity Portal in some way.

obscurity_level.1575985133.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/10 08:38 by lverona