Trevo Gont was an administrator in Mosont. He later became the close friend and servant of Maksag, brother of Ginsag.
He started his career under Elsk Normo and became his right-hand man. After Elsk downfall, he quickly switched sides and offered his support in running state business to Ginsag. Seeing his experience with internal affairs, Ginsag made Trevo the administrator of his court and subordinate to one of his sisters.
It was later found out that Trevo was actually planning a coup with a group of people who became powerful and wealthy under Elsk's leadership, but several months into Ginsag's rule he dropped the idea and, in fact, betrayed the group to Ginsag's brother Maksag, who was then able to bring it to Ginsag. This proved his worth to the family and Ginsag rewarded Maksag with soldiers and land. Trevo was also elevated in his standing and became Maksag's lifetime confidant and right-hand man.
He died in the beginning of 18th CSR, but before the Tref invasion.
Trevo had two partners and two children. After the Tref invasion his daughter became the commander of the Maksag army, whereas his son became Murdoh of Ginsag.